“Author Allison Andrews Canter, a prosperous business owner of over two decades, shares invaluable tools and a mindset for personal success in her book titled OWNERSHIP. Canter applies her entrepreneurial insights to navigating the challenges of adulthood in a world where “adulting” is daunting. Drawing from business practices, Canter unveils practical tools and mindset to enhance lifestyle wellness and overall life satisfaction. Her book urges you to traced self-limitations, embrace your true essence, and become a guiding light inspiring others to improve. It’s a call to seize control and take ownership of your life for ultimate success and fulfillment.” -BookMad Review

This book is the foundation to the coaching practice, podcast and the additional books to follow.

Purchase your copy HERE



OWNERSHIP the book was published by Hay House sister publisher, Balboa Press. Get your copy HERE.


“This is not like other self-help books full of fluffy optimistic quotes, affirmations and general wellness tips. This is bigger and deeper than that. We are going to challenge your soul, heart and mind to expand and hold yourself accountable for rising up. Dare I say even enlightenment.  I want you to get out of yourself, go higher, reach for the ultimate soul version of yourself and all those around you become better because of the beacon of light you are.  You just got promoted and today you start your new job as becoming the best version of yourself and that doesn’t mean not flawed. Quite the contrary, it means looking at the whole picture like a business and leaning into the challenges, getting a head of potential issues and mitigating risk so that you can have the most optimal chance for success and future growth, whatever that looks like for you.” – Allison Andrews Canter